Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
Panel de Accesibilidad

{tab Libros} 

-La horrible noche: El conflicto armado colombiano en perspectiva histórica (Medellín: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, in press), translation of Evil Hour in Colombia


-With Sinclair Thomson, prologue by Adolfo Gilly, Horizons révolutionnaires, histoire et actualité politiques de la Bolivie (Paris: IMHO, 2010), translation of Revolutionary Horizons: Past and Present in Bolivian Politics


-A revolucão em Colombia (Sao Paulo: Editora Universidade Nacional de Sao Paulo, 2010), series editor Emilia Viotti da Costa, translation of Evil Hour in Colombia


-Les heures sombres en Colombie (Paris: IMHO, 2008), translation of Evil Hour in Colombia


-With Sinclair Thomson, prologue by Adolfo Gilly, Revolutionary Horizons: Past and Present in Bolivian Politics (New York and London: Verso, 2007)


-Prologue by Gonzalo Sánchez Gómez, Evil Hour in Colombia (New York and London: Verso, 2006)


-With Felix Patzi, Segio Serulnikov, and Sinclair Thomson, intr. by Adolfo Gilly, Ya es otro tiempo el presente: Cuatro momentos de insurgencia indígena (La Paz: Muela del Diablo, 2003).


{tab Artículos}

-With Aaron Tauss, “Peace in Colombia: A New Growth Strategy,” NACLA Report on the Americas 48:3 (2016), 253-262


-“‘The Sole Owners of the Land’: Empire, War, and Authority in the Guajira Peninsula (New Granada), 1761-1779,” Atlantic Studies 13:3 (2016), 315-344


-“Medellín, Cambio Extremo,” Ensayos de Economía (Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Medellín) 23:44 (2014), 13-30, translation of “Remaking Medellín,” New Left Review 44


-“The Experience of Defeat: The Colombian Left in the Cold War without End,” Historical Materialism 22:1 (2014), 67-104


-“Old Wine, New Bottles? In Search of Dialectics in Bolivia,” Dialectical Anthropology 35:3, September 2011, 243-247


-“Editorial,” Colombia Internacional 73, enero-junio 2011, 3-20 (Special Issue on Latin American Cities: History, Memory, and Political Culture)


-“‘Now is not your time; it’s ours’: Insurgent Confederation, “Race War,” and Liberal State-Formation in the Bolivian Federal War of 1899,” South Atlantic Quarterly 110:2, Spring 2011, 487-503


-“Plan Colombia as the Measure of Success,” Brown Journal of World Affairs 17:1, Fall/Winter 2010, 99-115

-“War without End: Paramilitary Modernization in Medellín,” in Greg Grandin and Gilbert M. Joseph, eds., A Century of Revolution in Latin America: Insurgent and Counterinsurgent Violence in Latin America’s Long Cold War (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010), 338-369


-“Medellín: The Peace of the Pacifiers,” NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 41 No.1 (January-February 2008), 35-42. Translated into Portuguese in Margem de Esquerda 11 (Sao Paulo: Maio 2008), and Spanish in Revista Foro 65, Octubre 2008 (Bogotá)


-“Remaking Medellín,” New Left Review 44 (March-April 2007), 70-89. Translated into Spanish


-With Sinclair Thomson, “The Chequered Rainbow,” New Left Review 35 (September-October 2005), 40-66. Translated into Spanish and Turkish


-“Introducción: Género y poder en El Alto,” in Lina Britto, Lucila Choque, and Forrest Hylton, comp., Colectivo Mujeres Alteñas, ¿Qué queremos? Las mujeres alteñas en la insurrección de octubre: Una investigación propia (La Paz: Centro para la promoción de la Mujer Gregoria Apaza, 2005), 15-22


-With Sinclair Thomson, “Insurgent Bolivia,” NACLA Report on the Americas Vol. 38, No. 3 (November-December 2004), 15-19


-“Una aproximación a Juan Lero, los comunarios, y la Guerra Federal,” Tinkazos: Revista boliviana de ciencias sociales 16 (La Paz: Mayo 2004), 99-118


-“Evil Hour in Colombia,” New Left Review 23 (September-October 2003), 51-93. Translated into Spanish


-“¡Cúal esperanzas! Rodrigo D. y la política (trans)cultural de la desesperanza,” Objeto Visual: Cuadernos de investigación de la Cinemateca Venezolana 9 (Caracas: Julio 2003), 22-31


-“Tras las huellas de Zavaleta Mercado,” Tinkazos: Revista boliviana de ciencias sociales 14 (La Paz: July 2003), 185-88.


{tab Conferencias, Seminarios y Paneles de discusión}

-““They Alone Should Rule”: Violence, Politics, and Andean Communities in the Bolivian Federal War of 1899,” Violence and Indigenous Communities, D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies, Newberry Library, Chicago, IL


-“What is (Native) American History? Reflections from the Edge of Empires, Nation-States, and Disciplines,” Imagining History, Doing Politics Seminar, Charles Warren Center, Harvard University, December 1, 2016


-“Specters of Race War: Insurgent Leadership, Confederation, and Alliances in the Bolivian Federal War (1899),” Boston Caribbean and Latin American History Workshop, Harvard University, November 9, 2016


-“El posconflicto en Colombia: Algunas llaves teóricas y metodológicas,” La región como escenario reciente de la reflexión territorial, ACIUR, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, September 30, 2016


-“La horrible noche: El conflicto armado colombiano en perspectiva histórica,” Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, September 27, 2016


-“Descolonizar el Siglo XX: Algunas llaves metodológicas,” Escuela Normal Simón Bolívar, La Paz, Bolivia, July 12, 2016


-“Proyectos de auto-gobierno indígena en la Guerra Federal de 1899,” Instituto de Trabajo Social, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, June 30, 2016


-“De Zárate Villca a Evo Morales: ¿Estado liberal o auto-gobierno indio?” With Pablo Mamani, Instituto de Investigación Zárate Villca, Facultad de Sociología, Universidad Pública de El Alto, El Alto, Bolivia, June 28, 2016


-“Descolonizar la historia: Una cuestión de método,” Escuela Normal Simón Rodríguez, Quillacollo, Bolivia, June 27, 2016


-“La investigación colaborativa: ¿Cómo y por qué?” Instituto de Trabajo Social, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia, June 17, 2016


-“Class Notes: Michael Jiménez and the Dialectics of Insurgency and Counter-insurgency in Colombia,” The Politics of Pedagogy: Remembering Michael Jiménez, Latin American Studies Association Conference, New York, May 28, 2016


-“Black and Red in Maracaibo: Native Sovereignty, Specters of St. Domingue, and the Limits of Atlantic Revolution, 1789-1803,” Port Cities of the Atlantic World, University of Pittsburgh, May 6-7, 2016


-“El Puerto de Brooklyn: El crimen organizado, la clase obrera, la democracia y la formación del Estado en los años 1930s y 1940s,” Facultad de Economía, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, April 25, 2016


-“Espíritus Guerreros: La presencia de las luchas Wayúu del siglo XVIII,” Facultad de Economía, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, April 22, 2016


-“‘The Sole Owners of the Land’: Empire, Law, and Warfare in the Guajira (New Granada), 1769-1790,” Atlantic History Workshop, New York University, April 5, 2016


-“‘Empire, War, and Authority in the Guajira (New Granada), 1761-1779,” Historical Conflicts and the Prospects for Peace in Colombia, Center for Latin American Studies, Vanderbilt University, March 25, 2016


-“War and Peace in Colombia: An Historical Perspective,” Institute for the Humanities, University of Illinois-Chicago, March 15, 2016


-“‘The Sole Owners of the Land’: Empire, Law, and Warfare in the Guajira (New Granada), 1769-1790,” Political Ecology Workshop, The New School, New York, February 5, 2016


-“‘The Sole Owners of the Land’: Empire, War, and Authority in the Guajira (New Granada), 1769-1790,” Latin American and Caribbean Studies History Workshop, Northwestern University, October 22, 2015


-“Edward Thompson and Bolivian History,” E.P. Thompson and the Making of the New Left, Left Forum, John Jay College, May 30, 2015


-“‘The Sole Owners of the Land’: Empire, War, and Authority in the Guajira (New Granada), 1769-1777,” The World of the War of Jenkins’s Ear: War and Trade in the Greater Caribbean, Center for British Studies, Rutgers University, May 29, 2015


-“Re-thinking the Narco-State in Colombia,” Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, March 12, 2015


-“Native Sovereignty, European Colonialism, and Revolution in the 18th-Century Guajira,” Buffett Institute for Global Studies, Northwestern University, February 20, 2015


-“Medellín: Cambio Extremo,” Departamento de Economía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Medellín, November 27, 2014


-“‘They Should Rule and Take Over Everything’: Indigenous Insurgency, ‘Race War,’ and State Formation in Bolivia’s Federal War,” Department of History and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, New York University, November 6, 2014


-“Labor Noir: Murders and Funerals on the Brooklyn Waterfront,” Tamiment Library Seminar, New York University, November 6, 2014


-“Historical Memory as State Formation in Colombia,” Latin American Studies Association Conference, Chicago, IL, May 24, 2014


-“‘They Said the Land was Completely Theirs’: Empire, Sovereignty, and Warfare in the Guajira (New Granada), 1768-1799,” The Future of Atlantic, Global, and World History, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2, 2014


-“Representación política y insurgencia indígena en la Guerra Federal,” Centro de Investigación Social, Vice-Presidencia de Bolivia, December 2, 2013


-“Zárate Villca, Juan Lero y la regeneración de Bolivia,” Gobernación de Oruro, Bolivia, November 29, 2013


-“El juicio de Mohoza y la formación del Estado Liberal,” Seminario Internacional sobre el Estado en América Latina, Banco Central, La Paz, Bolivia, November 28, 2013.

-“Bolivia Today: Revolutionary Processes, Social Movements, and Political Change,” Andes Initiative Seminar, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, October 30, 2013


-“The Experience of Defeat: The Colombian Left and the Cold War that Never Ends,” New York University, Tamiment Library Seminar, October 11, 2012


-“Polar Opposites? Bolivia and Colombia, 18th -21st Centuries,” Yale University, Department of History and Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, New Haven, CT, November 29, 2011


-“‘Ya se acabó tu tiempo’: Una mirada histórica de las luchas indígenas en Bolivia,” Universidad Nacional- Nariño, Seminario Internacional-Pensamiento Poscolonial y América Latina, Pasto, Colombia, October 28, 2011


-“Revisiting the Red Atlantic: Sovereignty and Law in the Guajira (New Granada) in the Age of Revolution,” Maritime Radicalism Conference, International Institute of Social History (IISH), Amsterdam, Holland, June 16-18, 2011


-“‘Now is not your time; it’s ours’: Insurgent Confederation, ‘Race War,’ and Liberal State-Formation in the Bolivian Federal War of 1899,” Sovereignty, Indigeneity, and Law Conference, Cornell University, October 28-29, 2010


-“Bolivia y Colombia, polos opuestos: Una mirada histórica,” IV Encuentro de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Medellín, October 15, 2010


-“Plan Colombia as the Measure of Success,” U.S. Foreign Policy in the Obama Era, Latin American Studies Association Conference, Toronto, October 8, 2010


-“Re-thinking Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Our Time: Bolivia and Colombia in Historical Perspective,” Land Reform, Conflict, and Development in Bolivia and Colombia, U.S. Institute for Peace, Washington, D.C., May 7, 2010


-“‘Your Time is Up: It is Our Time Now’: Insurgent Leadership, Confederation, and ‘Race War’ in Peñas, Bolivia, 1899,” History Department, University of California-San Diego, June 1, 2009


-“The Bolivian Constitution in Historical Context,” Indigenous Resistance in the Andes, Brecht Forum, New York, NY, January 22, 2009


-“Repensar la revolución en nuestro tiempo: Una mirada comparativa de Colombia y Bolivia desde 1945,” Conferencia Internacional: El Socialismo del Siglo XXI: ¿Fracaso o Realidad?, Universidad Nacional-Nariño, Pasto, Colombia, September 26, 2008


-“Understanding El Alto, Bolivia: A Proposition and Three Hypotheses” New Urban Movements in Latin America, Left Forum, New York, March 16, 2008


-“Colombia and Bolivia: Re-thinking Revolution in Our Time,” Center for Latin American Studies, SUNY-Stony Brook, NY, February 27, 2008


-“Che in Bolivia, Then and Now,” Che’s Legacy in Latin America, Brecht Forum, New York, October 30, 2007


-“Colombia and Bolivia: Polar Cases in the Neoliberal Order,” Latin American Challenges to the Neoliberal Order, University of Washington, Seattle, April 19, 2007


-“Re-thinking Revolution and Counter-Revolution,” Latin America’s Left Turn, sponsored by Left Forum, New York, March 10, 2007


-“Elections, Popular Mobilizations, and U.S.-Latin American Relations,” Brecht Forum, New York, February 15, 2007


-“The Bolivian Federal War (1899), Yesterday and Today,” Latin American Studies Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2006


-“Moments of Revolution in Bolivia, 1781-2005,” Evo Morales and the New Bolivia, sponsored by NACLA Report on the Americas, Left Forum, New York, March 12, 2006


-“Horizontes revolucionarios: Luchas indígenas y nacional-populares en Bolivia, 1781-2003,” Universidad Pública de El Alto, September 24, 2004


-“Alianzas políticas y los ciclos de insurgencia indígena en la república,” Comuna, La Paz, September 20, 2004


-“La política exterior de EE. UU hacia América Latina,” Permanent Human Rights Assembly, La Paz, July 12, 2004


-“Indian Insurrection and National Revolution in Bolivia,” Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, November 3, 2003


-“Tierra Común: Caciques, artesanos e intelectuales urbanos en el levantamiento de Chayanta, 1927,” Comuna, La Paz, November 18, 2002


-“Beyond Neoliberalism in Latin America,” Conference on Globalization and Resistance, CUNY Graduate Center, November 23, 2001


-“Common Ground: Indian Caciques, Urban Radicals and the Chayanta (Bolivia) Rebellion of 1927,” Latin American Studies Association Conference, Miami, FL, March 2000.


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