Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
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Lirio Del Carmen Gutierrez Rivera

Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera

Profesora Asociada en Dedicación Exclusiva
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+576044309000. Ext. 49251
  • Ph.D. en Ciencia Política. Freie Universität Berlin

    • Violencia urbana
    • Migración
    • Género
    • Planeación urbana
    • Seguridad (Centro América y Colombia)
    • Assimilation or cultural difference: palestinian immigrants in Honduras, 2014. 
    • Oportunidades y posibilidades a partir de la enfermedad: La experiencia de voluntarias con personas con el VIH/sida, 2007.
    • Security policies from a spatial perspective: the case of Honduras, 2011.
    • Geografías de violencia y exclusión: pandillas encarceladas en Honduras, 2012. 
    • Discipline and punishment, youth gangs response to zero-tolerance policies in Honduras, 2010. 
    • Security and remilitarization in the name of democracy: the impact of global crime control policies in Honduras, 2015.
    • Valpy Fitzgerald, Judith Heyer, and Rosemary Thorpe (Eds.): overcoming the persistence of inequality and poverty, 2012.
    • Transnational and local entanglements in the 'cycle of violence' of central american migration. 2018.
    • A safer housing agenda for women: local urban planning knowledge and women's grassroots movements in Medellin, Colombia. 2021. 
    • Zentralamerika: wurzeln der migration, 2020. 
    • Migration of rich immigrants. gender, ethnicity, and class.  2016. 
    • Linking political violence and crime in Latin America. Myths, realities, and complexities. 2016
    • The social life of economic inequalities in contemporary Latin America. Decades of change. 2018. 
    • Carceral mobilities. Interrogating movement in incarceration. 2017. 
    • Race, criminal justice, and migration control. Enforcing the boundaries of belonging, 2017.
    • Rostros de la violencia en Centroamérica. Experiencia y abordajes desde la investigación social. 2018.
    • Territories of violence state, marginal youth, and public security in Honduras, 2013.
    • The role urban planning and spatial policies in violence in Latin America, 2016.
    • Starting with a new labour: video documentary about the Honduras prisons, 2014. 
    • Security policies from a spatial perspective: the case of Honduras, 2011. 
    • Geografías de violencia y exclusión: pandillas encarceladas en Honduras, 2012. 
    • Security and remilitarization in the name of democracy: the impact of global crime control policies in Honduras, 2015. 
    • Sound als Zeitmodell: Zeit als Klang denken. musik, klangkunst und die französische zeitphilosophie/sound as a model of time: thinking time as sound, music, sound art and french philosophies of time, 2014. 
    • The penal state and the government of marginality in contemporary Latin America, 2012. 
    • Territories of violence state, marginal youth, and public security in Honduras, 2013.